Pier Silvio Berlusconi

mediaset.es 18/06/2012 11:26

Born in Milan on 28 April 1969. He began his professional career in 1992 in the marketing office of Publitalia and then moved to the Italia 1 television network. In November 1996 he was appointed coordination manager for programme scheduling and programmes for all the Mediaset networks.

In 1999 he was appointed R.T.I. Content Deputy General Manager.

Since April 2000 he is:

- Deputy Chairman of Mediaset Group

- Chairman and Managing Director of R.T.I. and Med Due S.r.l..

He is also Board member in the following companies:

- Fininvest S.p.A.,

- Gestevision Telecinco S.A.,

- Medusa Film S.p.A.,

- Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A.

- Publitalia '80 S.p.A..